Women, Peace, and Security

The U.S. Naval War College Women, Peace, and Security (WPS) program integrates WPS concepts and principles into Joint Professional Military Education (JPME) programs in support of lines of effort stated in the U.S Women, Peace, and Security Act (PUBLIC LAW 115-68, 2017), U.S. Strategy on Women, Peace, and Security (2019), and the DoD Strategic Framework and Implementation Plan (SFIP, 2020)

Women, Peace, and Security

The United States should be a global leader in promoting the meaningful participation of women in conflict prevention, management, and resolution, and post-conflict relief and recovery efforts.
- Women, Peace, and Security Act. Public Law 115-68-Oct. 6, 2017.

What is Women, Peace, and Security?

Women, Peace, and Security is a policy framework guided by the United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325 (2000) to advance women’s increased and meaningful participation in all peace and security efforts. It foregrounds the gender perspective as critical to mitigating the inordinate impacts of conflict and crises on women and girls in our increasingly complex security environment. The UN Security Council urges member states to:

  1. Pursue women’s full and equal participation – and leadership – in all phases of strategic plans and decision-making
  2. Integrate the gender perspective in conflict prevention
  3. Protect vulnerable women and girls in crisis and disaster contexts
  4. Ensure their access to relief and recovery

UNSCR 1325 underscores the crucial role of men as allies, mentors and champions in accomplishing its objectives.

WPS Events & Symposium

The Women, Peace and Security Symposium brings together U.S. and international scholars, researchers, civilian and military practitioners, and leaders to share their knowledge on warfighting and conflict resolution focusing on the gender perspective.

WPS Symposium


Perspectives features conversations with military and civilian leaders, practitioners, and scholars eliciting their insights on key questions about Women, Peace, and Security.

Dr. Valerie HudsonVice Adm. Antonette Wemyss-Gorman
Capt. Christa Almonte

See WPS Faculty Experts

Our experienced and renowned faculty have years of earned expertise across a wide range of Women, Peace, and Security topics. To learn more, please use the link below to access the online directory.

Visit Faculty
The War College is a place of original research on all questions relating to war and to statesmanship connected with war, or the prevention of war.
- Admiral Stephen B. Luce